1987 Peavey Falcon Custom

This is my 1987 Peavey Falcon Custom, which I bought in ..."1987".
It's a great sounding guitar especially for a "country" sound. I hook it up to my Line 6 POD 2.0 and dial in a 1965 fender twin blackface amp, and let the growling begin.
The bridge pickup is a Dimarzio HS-3. The middle pickup is a original stock pickup, which sounds like it has more output than the Dimarzio's ( more on that shortly ). The neck pickup is a Dimarzio Yngwie j. Malmsteen pickup.
Now on the output of the Dimarzio's. They're very low output. A Dimarzio catalog I have states, both pickups have 93 millivolts in output. Compare that to a Dimarzio fast track 2 single coil pickup rated at 321 millivolts in output.
The lower rated output pickups seem to have a nice "note defining", sound. In other words a very "clear sound". No muddiness. Mr. Malmsteen knows what he's talking about.
My Ibanez RG's pickups really push the same Line 6 POD patch. Higher output pickups of course. Then I find myself adjusting the POD and amp settings to get the particular sound that I want. As of lately the tones I'm chasing are of a "country,Bluesy, Vintage amp sound. The Peavey Falcon Custom is a great sounding guitar, but does not shred very well like an Ibanez RG. Nonetheless it is still a favorite of mine.
cheers, Don
Wow, once again, I have NO idea what you just said!!
Yes, I agree with all that you said. ????? Wow, I don't remember what guitar you were playing Sunday, but it sounded awesome, and the two bass guitars - very very terrific also. There were two, weren't there?
Yes, I agree with all that you said. ????? Wow, I don't remember what guitar you were playing Sunday, but it sounded awesome, and the two bass guitars - very very terrific also. There were two, weren't there?
You don't have to know what I said....just look at the BEAUTIFUL GUITAR. And I was playing my white Ibanez sunday. Which I've been rubbing the paint off the thing by playing it so much. Which is a cool look. And there was only one BASS, one acoustic and my buddy jim with his GEORGE LYNCH signature guitar. I know, all this means sooo much. Just remember, if it were'nt fur geetars, we'd all be playing the accordion!!!
Yes, you're right about the accordians, but don't forget the autoharp! Maybe some of us would be playing that! Well, I thought Jim played bass? But then, what do I know?
Randomly found this blog when I searched Peavey falcon... Anyway, my dad gave me his old one for my 16th birthday. Woohoo :D Can't wait to play it now.
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