
Talk about blowing your speakers. I've been listening to a lot of my older Christian metal tapes and I can't stop listening to these guys. Intense guitar and vocals that sound like the cookie monster. But I really like the sound.
Song List
1. until the end
2. brutal warfare
3. bathed in blood
4. satans doom
5. turn
6. no return
7. break the curse
8. new awakening
9. the destroyer beholds
10. journey of reconciliation
11. the majestic infiltration of order
This music not recommended for the toddlers.
Rock On ,Donald
Hey, I want to hear some of those. Can you lend them? They would sound great in my car stereo - with the top out, of course, cruising down the freeway, wind in the hair, you know!
Gee Mom, Mortification is like "metallica" on an overdose of steroids,drinking a barrel of energy drinks, and eating a plate of speed. But I have a CD that will sound good in that "little red Corvette". You can drive into the church parking lot and freak some people out. Of course you will let them know the music is Christian and the CD belongs to your son and somehow it got stuck in your CD player and it's the only CD you can listen to.
I don't know about Metallica, but I do know about speed in a little red Corvette - I hope that's the kind you're talking about! But I have a feeling no one would be freaked, except maybe "sergeant" Connie! They probably would lay hands on me though and pray for healing of my ears! You're a riot!
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